Uninstallation Guide [Legacy Workpuls]

Steps for uninstalling the legacy Workpuls Agents from company devices

Jana Jovanović avatar
Written by Jana Jovanović
Updated over a week ago

Disclaimer: This guide is for the legacy version of Workpuls. If you joined Workpuls after January 1, 2020, please click here for the latest guide.

To uninstall Workpuls from your devices, please follow the steps outlined below:

Windows Computers

  1. Unzip Workpuls Uninstall archive

  2. Right-mouse click on Workpuls Uninstall.bat file

  3. Select Run as Administrator to activate the script and uninstall Workpuls from your computer.

macOS Computers

  1. Copy downloaded script to your desktop

  2. Open Terminal by either pressing CMD+Space on your keyboard or typing Terminal in Spotlight Search

  3. Copy following text “sh ~/Desktop/uninstall.sh” into the terminal and press enter

  4. Type your password and press Enter to have Workpuls uninstalled


Alternatively, you can request them via our support chat, or email - support@insightful.io

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